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Featured Collection at the 74th International Institute of Welding (IIW) Assembly and Conference

Artist, Ryan T. Schmidt, has been featured once again at the 74th International Institute of Welding Assembly and International Conference that took place July 7th through July 21st, 2021. Schmidt participated in the Bratislava Assembly & Conference featuring the art collection presented to the delegates and last year's was to be held in Singapore until pandemic hit. The good news this year is that everyone in the world is now able to access and download the IIW 2021 Digital Collection.

Over 40 exhibits from artists representing 15 countries and covering different categories. As part of the Assembly, the Welded Art Photographic Exhibition is now in its third edition and showcases the flexibility and versatility of welding.

Here's a few page of the collection highlighting the Artist. To explore the Digital Collection that was put together by Aristea of Genova, Italy, clink this link or the cover page below. IIW 2021 Welded Art Digital Collection




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